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Reach Intern Teacher Credential - Application Workshop (California Teachers Only)
Join Our Application Workshop for the Intern Teacher Credential Program!
Are you ready to take the next step toward becoming a credentialed teacher? We’re excited to invite you to our Application Workshop for Reach University’s Intern Teacher Credential Program!
Please note: The Reach Intern Program is designed only for California educators who already hold a bachelor’s degree.
This interactive session will be presented via Zoom and we will:
- Walk you through the application process step by step.
- Share tips for completing key components, including the Subject Matter Competency Review.
- Answer your questions about program requirements, timelines, and next steps.
- Provide helpful resources to ensure a smooth application experience.
The Intern Application will open on January 13, 2025. To apply, you will visit grad.apply.reach.edu.
Have questions? Contact Reach Graduate Admissions at grad@reach.edu. You can also explore our knowledge base on the website, where you'll find answers to many common questions.
Questions & Answers
The application workshop will last approximately an hour, including a dedicated time for attendees to ask questions and seek clarification. We value your participation and are committed to addressing any queries you may have during the session.
You are not required to share your video during the application workshop; however, your engagement is essential. We encourage you to either unmute yourself to ask questions or use the Zoom Chat to participate. Our goal is to ensure everyone has a smooth and informative experience. Enjoy the session!
Please note that this session will not be recorded for later viewing. However, we have multiple Zoom sessions scheduled for candidates like you to attend. If you are unable to make it to this particular session, we encourage you to send an email to grad@reach.edu and request an admissions officer to share the details of other upcoming events with you.
Participating in these sessions early in the admissions cycle is highly recommended as it will give you ample time to work on the application requirements. We look forward to having you join us in one of the future sessions!
No, attending our application workshop is not required to apply for admission. However, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about the program, application process, and ask any questions you may have before submitting your application.